Thursday, December 30, 2004

The armless man flew, over the patty cakes and the ding dong drinks, and shoot herself in the foot. Rolling along, hitting a bin breaking both his knee and her hip, careening into the little boy blue, just do he could do one thing, and that was get to you.

If armless men, can hold a burden greater then the weight of the world on their shoulders, and not have anything to show of it, why is it that those with the arms who hold up half as much get all the recognition? Society is based on perfection i suppose. Nothing but the best will be accepted. A minor flaw, a deformity or a disability makes you... different. Not "normal". People are stupid. All of them are.

Random Thought of The Day:

Circles... Can't draw them.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Out Burst of Light,
Flash of Sound,
Out streched eyes,
Closed arms,
Powerless Struts,
Whimpering Lies,
The power of ...

*shrugs* i lost my train of thought.

As the sun's brtight face began to descend beneath the oceans cover. The sky began to burst into a fierce barray of colors, screaming with pain, twisting in anguish as the sun began to receed beneath the earths crest. The most beautiful of bules, the frightening reds of the deepest fires, yellows concocted from such things as the mash of bumblebee and sunflower, the light parade was such a chaotic view of mass proportions with a dulcet twist for the human eye. I hear heavens screams. The whine and groan as the world turns, to once again steal the suns grace from the sky. The shrills are so deafening, soo loud, and so frequent, most human ears have become mute to them over the course of their first years on this earth. Mine own, have yet to relieve me of this torment, a sound so vivid, so blinding, it makes your bones ache, and your blood burn, your heart skips, and your head burst mentally into a million pieces. With the sunsets beautiful view, comes the death of the proud few who can hear heavens screams.

... Ok then.

Random Thought of The Day:

A smile of pain hurts everyone involved.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Yay... 12... Hours... of... Work.... I'm going to Die!

And tomorrow... I GET TO DO IT AGAIN! *Jumps for Joy* *Dances*

Random Quote of The Day:

Stupid Man With Big Stick always wins over Smart Man With Big Idea.

Friday, December 24, 2004

You sit and you think.

This isn't any First person shooter, or no RPG, or as a matter of fact, this is nothing. This is cut, dry, to the point, lame, boring, feeble... this... is life... This is MY life. What, am I going to do with it. My one shot to change society. My one chance... to do anything. It's hell, yes, but, its your one chance at it, your one chance to conquer all to... live. Sitting here, I think of all the bad things that happen to everyone, the ways you can fall, the way you can fail... That's how I usually think. But now... I can see clearly, look forward, No more fluttering in the things that could happen, or.. or the things that will. Because the only two things that are possible to be like that are... your life will happen... and... you will die...... Those are the only two things set in stone, that are never going ot be changed. So before those things happen, and before your will passes you by... Grab it, Take hold, your one shot will pass you by, because the world never sleeps, you never get a second chance, and those things that could be great, that would last for ever, even past the shroud of death, that lingering feeling of nothingness.. only happen once, and your chance at them is there for a reason. Grab, yearn, try... for them. Because without that... not only are you hurting yourself, but... your ruining... something great... for everyone.

Never again will I try and see something that I know I cannot... because the fact of the matter is... you can only not see something... when it is you, who is blind, and not the world.

Random Thought of The Day:

Would it be wrong to have a fight scene in a church...

Thursday, December 23, 2004

All i feel like is an Example to society.

The stepping stone at the foot of a tower, so feeble, the slightest movement in the incorrect direction will topple and shatter the structure that has been created with the usage of the term "target demographic."

I feel like a Manican - Something people look at and admire, because it is blank in the face, but don't care to act like or be, because it is stationary, and does nothing to make the entire population better as a whole.

Random Thought of The Day:
Opening Coffee Shop: Camera Slowly Angles Down from the Sky.... He opens the paper

Monday, December 20, 2004

::Insert Post Here::

If only life were like a document Wizard.... even I couldn't screw that up.

Random Thought of The Day:
I'm such an unorganized bastard.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Good things come to those who wait....

Never believed that before.

Now I do... Score.

Life is short, don't let it pass you by.

Random Thought of The Day:

As the Deaf man Heard what the Blind man Saw, the worries of yesterday were eclipsed by today.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Back to my life:

Lately I have been in a series of really good moods. Nothing really is going wrong, and although I am stressed, I have things to look forward too that make me think more about them and less about the stress. I went out with some friends, Kendra, Kyle and Rachel, on Saturday night to go see a movie, at the Angelika, honestly my first opinion about the movie was... crap, a chick flick, meh well I can sit here and stare aimlessly into space and maybe catch a few cool camera angles here and there... Wrong. Finding Neverland. Phenomenal movie. Everything about-it screams artsy, and yet, all in all the storyline, the way it was shot, the actors, everything fell into such a good order, it had my attention from start to finish... minus the occasional sip of Dr. Pepper, and nibbleage on the bag of popcorn we had. The movie was awesome though, I highly recommend it.

Also, I found something that really inspired me. written by a one William Cullen Bryant
Thanatopsis - William Cullen Bryant
[Final Stanza, I recommend you read the entire thing, but this portion speaks the most truth. All of the parts leading to this one talk about how death is going to sneak up on you.]

"So live, that when thy summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan, which moves
To that mysterious realm, where each shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of death,
Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night,
Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams."

Random Thought of The Day:
I can't tell, I wish I could, it would make life soo much easier.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

The searing pain flowered inside him, like a bucket of cold water poured over his entire being, right down to the tips of his soul. Nothing had ever made him fathom something so horrific, it made his mouth clench soo tight that his front teeth shattered, and left a taste of latex coated rocks, and blood in his mouth. It dug deeper and deeper, until it found his heart, in which it penetrated, severing the very thing keeping it going, the one nerve causing the art of life to flow in his veins, to allow him to remain in existence. His crippled carcass slowly trickled to the floor, in a manner of drunken slouching, and incoherent bliss. It fell in such a way, it looked as if it had been choreographed, and rehearsed so many times, that it were second nature, a sort of haphazard normality. The place where the bullet had entered was visible, on his face up body. Slightly lower from the spot where it had entered, rivers of blood started to flow from under his body. The casing from the jagged-hollow-point, rang as it crinkled against the concrete. He lowered the gun, and left.

The image here, is something I hoped could start out as someone was shooting up heroine, for the last time before they passed on... Only to have you realize he was just shot through the heart. Why do I choose to write soo much about death? Because it's easy.

Random Thought of The Day:
If you plan everything, nothing will happen, because everything that happens, is sparatic, and if you know everything that happens, then nothing can happen.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Worked again for the first time in a while, it was pretty badass... got my paycheck too... didn't mind that either... Only Exam week + Lots of hours = Damn this sucks.... Meh, Such is life...

Random Thought of The Day:
Christmas Tree Cakes, Christmas Tree Cakes, Christmas Tree Cakes

Thursday, December 09, 2004

What happened to my fire... I'm putting myself out, stomping on my own self, making less of what i used to be... why can't I go back to the way I was... Funny...

Random Thought of The Day:
There is nothing worse then the feeling of getting somewhere, and knowing that there is no possible way you can hold on.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

There are some things that you just can't pass up, I'm glad I didn't pass this one up...

Christmas Tree Cakes, Light Sabers, Script Writing Software, and Homework... I say today was pretty productive, minus the fact that I haven't been too funny lately... Which is lame...

Random Thought of The Day:
You could walk into out school guns strapped to your chest, a bazooka on your shoulder, and an Uzi in your hand... and all our administrators would care about is where you put your ID.... Your coming ot shoot up the school... but it's ok, because you have an ID...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


The following is a piece I have written... Read it, think about it, then post comments.
Expand your Boundaries...

She screamed. It was too large for her to hold in her mouth. Judging from her yelps one could understand that he didn't care. Forcing the huge shaft, smooth and hard even deeper into her already full mouth. A look of anguish rippled over her body as he did this. The pain was unbearable, she began to tear, at this he forced again. Holding onto her hair making sure that she could not remove her mouth, he gripped harder, causing the scalp on her head to sear with pain, like a bed of needles being placed haphazardly on her flesh. With one final breath she whimpered as she flailed against the wall, in the damp, corner of the cesspool he called water closet. At this, he pulled the trigger...

What were you thinking... Post in the comments... Kinda makes you feel different about lack of details... doesn't it... as well as how much someone can manipulate your mind...
Daily... did you really expect me to keep daily with this thing? Well I know I did, so I'm sorry there. Moving on.

What's been going on: Work is beginning to such, when your grades start to slip because you don't have sufficent time to finish all of your homework... there is a problem. So I am not planning on staying on past the Seasonal period. Rather I am planning on investing my last few paychecks in to stock market and seeing if I can make a little bit on the long term. School is school, nothing new, minus the fact that our Musical is going to be the most badass thing to hit the stage in CFBISD since... well in a really long time.

I'm not planning on going anywhere for Winter Break, so I am going to have the next few weeks open, as well as I have just recently found out that a few friends of mine from my cruise are coming into town over the break, and are planning on coming up to and or I'm planning on driving down and visit'n them for a bit.

Deep thoughts, well this part of the past few months is a little bit longer then the other part, but I'll keep it breif. Just recently I have had the past few days off work, and ironically enough your brain functions 100 times better when you have gotten a full nights sleep, and you weren't dead tired the night before from a person asking you about the Sony, and the Discount he can get because you don't have anymore in stock... Anyways. Since it's old news, I have a "crush". *Gasp* Whooopty-doo. Yea, I guess it's all cool though, even though nothing has come of it really yet... She's really cool. Pretty too, but really cool none the less. No clue how the two are related but moving on. English isn't as bad as it has been. It used to put me in a state of, I hate you I hate you I hate you, now it's a little bit better, and I'm able to find my little niche in that class, so I'm planning on aceing the Exam... Hopefully. My friends are the best. My birthday was a few weeks ago, and I was a little sad that no one besides my mother, and a few of my close friends remembered about it... Until Saturday. Last Saturday was one of the best days of my life, even though I sort of ruined it, my friends decided to throw a surprise party for me, Ashli heading the whole operation, and claiming to this date that, she "Hates [my] Guts," for, "Coming home from work early." Meh, it was awsome. I never knew so many people cared about me. That was a really big confidence boost in a time that I really needed one. The past few weeks had been really stressful from all the work, and things of the sort. I have most of this week off, and I already have most of my time filled for the week... which is weird that it's not filled with work... I don't mind though, I need to get more involved again in school, and worry about my future and not my fortune. (Hah, planning ahead ;) )

I plan on making a documentary about Violence. National History Fair 2005. Complete with Squibbs, Exploding Body Parts, Guns, and Panic and Mayhem... Did I mention exploding body parts? Basically I'm putting this in here, for anyone who wants to help. It's going to be a group so, expect to be working with a crew of people. For anyone who doesn't know, "squibbs'" are the things that are used to make "bullet holes" or "entry/exit" wounds in movies, where the blood shoots from the place where the person is hit with the bullets. (Prime example Saving Private Ryan, that movie had an extreme use of "squibbs" in the Normandy beach landing... Basically whenever you see blood shoot from someone, that is a squibb going off.) The basic format for the film is as follows; The theme of the year is Communication. My Spin: Communication : Violence. The communication industry of the world was developed from one prime piece of human existence, the part that says that if someone is being hurt or killed in a manner that is less than civil, it will be communicated by word of mouth, television, radio, paper, book, or any other form of communication to another human being. Thus, this basis of Violence is the basis of Communication for the Media, Hollywood, Entertainment System, and Music Lyrics. In short, Violence is what fuels the need for communication, not only because it (communication) is needed to warn others of the violence that is happening elsewhere, but also because as a good friend of mine once put, "Violence is Cool." ~ Geoff Allison

There is nothing more in this world that a man can do but try. For, if there is no effort to try, then there is nothing for a man to do. Whether it be change the channel on the Television, or Asking the girl he has liked for over a year out. With this comes the main reason we have things to do. Risk. Without anything to risk, there would be no reason to "do" anything. Think about it. If you could "do" whatever you wanted, without the risk of having something not go in your direction, you would do everything.... Anyways, Life by Jon.

You may think there's a good explaination for the big black stain on your reputation, but you'll never live it down, in one ear and straight out the other, but theres just no way that you can recover but you'll never live it down, and maybe its not hta bad, maybe the worlds too fast... haha yea I'm in my blog and wasting space, decided to type the song I'm listening too.

Wouldn't it be cool to see random people jump out of the rafters during an orchestra concert and start fighting on stage in the middle of the orchestra playing? No... ok...

Random Thought of The Day:
Short or Long Hair... ? So far long hair is the winner, but is mine too long... *weird look on face*