Thursday, April 29, 2004

Bad day, tired, don't feel good, bad dreams, lack of sleep... lack of a lot of things...

Help needed.

Random Thought of The Day:

If i were a penguin...

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I'm a bit under the weather today, I feel really bad, and I don't know why. I'm ashamed of myself in some ways, i forgot my lines during the run threw, and I didnt do anything productive in English. The only thing keeping me kicking today is my ring, and the thought of Nichole it brings, i would probably go to bed if I didnt have that thought, stiring wildly in my brain. Along side this Spanish project im doing, this is really sucking. I'm so tired, tomorrow I will have basketball for the first time in two days, the two day break was nice, giving me a little time to gain a few extra pounds, (you would be surprised how much a guy wanting to gain weight can gain in two days), and yea, needing them extra carbs to turn my lanky arms into something a little more appealing. Moving on, wow, I'm really tired, and I really want to be in bed. Let's see... Things I would rather be doing at this moment in time; Playing Counter-Strike, Sleeping, Running, Working out, or my Favorite, Spending time with Nichole. Meh, well, today, to sum it all up... had been really.... really... Boring...

Random Thought of The Day:

Remember Kids, Don't Smoke Crack...

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Today was alright, nothing special happened... Oh yea, Except for today is 2 MONTHS WITH NICHOLE! :-D (All i need is right here, nothing else matters, in my arms babe, in my arms...) But yea, Rehersal was interesting today, it got cancelled of course, because of directors are somewhat on the lazy side lately, but, im not complaining because i got to go home early, but i am gonna complain the night of show when it sucks, which i hope it doesn't. Also, i have all but the last few pages of the 40 some odd page script in which i am most of the pages, memorized... its pretty cool. Moving on Dennis im sorry but shes not worth the breath of her name, so forget about her, leave her be a bitch. And so life goes on, i will be back, tomorrow.

Random Thought of The Day:

Fosters... is that really Austraillian for Beer?

Monday, April 26, 2004

yes dear, yes dear, what you mean out where you are dear, actually im quite busy in here dear, are you very busy out there, so ill stop work and come help out there shall i, well, glad thats settled then, darling when you've finished why dont you ahve a nice lie down, sorry to keep you waiting sir i had no idea my wife was so busy, i beg your pardon, are you alright, I see... well did i gather from your first announcement that you wanted a taxi, case more like, well theres the number ofthe local firm, why not, may i ask wahts wrong with the map, look its really quite simple, you go to the end of queens parade, bear left, it reallys is very simple, it Does put me out, right, we do have pens thank you, we have actually got pens in the hotel, thank you so much, somewhere, i mean where are the pens, i mean would you believe it, i mean there are no pens here, i mean this is supposed to be a hotel, well what are they doing there, why, i am not always losing them people take them, they wouldnt dare, well, im sorry i didnt guess that you'd suddenly done that after twelve years, dear, im afraid my physic powers are a bit below par this morning, there we are, pens, looks more like bens to me, what do you think, doeans that look like bens to you, well it does to me, look thats a "p", its there, where it says post office, im sorry if it is confusing, ah the penny's dropped, of course, no it doesnt, excuse me would you say that was a "p" or a "b", there does it say p off or b off, there there, its a p isnt it, p off, p off, not b off, whoever heard of a bost office? nine, room nine, manuel would you take these cases to room seven please, he thinks boff is a local, you know like some zone some province in equitorial torquay, manuel will show you to your room, if your lucky, here ill write it down for you, if anybody wants you, anyone in particular, i mean henry kissinger, or just anyone with a big net, i dont know what it is about this play, i mean some of the people we get here, i wish you'd help a bit, you're always refurbishing yourself, oh nevermind, nevermind, oh dear whats happend, did you get entangled in the eiderdown again, not enough cream in your eclair, hmmm, or did you have to talk to your friends for so long that you didnt have time to perm your ears... choh, i would find it a little easier to cope with some of the cretins we get in here, my little nest of vipers, if i got a smidgeon of cooperation from you, look if you think im going to fawn some of the yobboes we get in here, i suppose talking to audrey for half an hour helps business does it, oh really this'll be good, let me guess, the major, wears a toupee, somebodys got nail varnish on their cats, am i getting warm?,

I love my lines... so much, i decided to share them with yall... lol, if anyone reads this... so much fun... all but the last few were straight from memory so yea, go me, ill post again when i get home im going out for my brothers birhtday tonight, tomorrow is 2 months with a star, and wednesday is going to be hell with math taks... keep the good times rollin, be back soon

Random Thought of The Day:

What is an Eiderdown...?

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Nichole Rocks my World! I Love me some Pink Pirate Sheep! So Beautiful!

:-D :-P
TheGhettC: Pink Pirate Sheep... wow... thats a superhero in the making... wow...
TheGhettC: i mean... wow... i should make a comic... lol
tWiStErMafia: lol
tWiStErMafia: haha
tWiStErMafia: i can see it now
TheGhettC: lol
TheGhettC: whats that?
tWiStErMafia: this short little pink sheep with a peg leg, a pirate hat and a patch over one eye
TheGhettC: lol haha

Haha... Nichole... Rocks my World
Boredom had arisen, and my script is getting more and more annoying... so... let us see... Right now i am thinking about, what it would be like to jump off a moving cruise ship, what would it be like to be in space, why is the world round, why am i here... and many other things, including Nichole, but yea, besides that, i have my A&W root Beer, and am listening to music while avoiding the homework i have... Life... is... Good.... ish...

Random Thought of The Day:

What's SAAB's slogan in communist countries? ("The State of Independence." ~ SAAB)

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Wow.... Today... kicked... major... ASS... pardon the lang... but i got to see Nichole for the first time in almost 2 and a half weeks... It was bliss... Holding so much beauty in your hands at one point in time should be a crime... and im a criminal... but... you know what... i like it... and I dont care. Nichole, Wow... B-e-a-Utiful.

Random Thought of The Day:

How is it possible to be SO Easily amused?
People suck, let me make my own damn decisions and inferences... It's MY Decision... NOT yours...

Friday, April 23, 2004

Today.... well yesterday was alright, Slow like any other friday. I have a slight cold nothing big anymore... Wow... this sucks so much, I haven't seen Nichole in over 2 weeks now... this bites the big one major. Moving on, THS is going to have a "Computer Bashin' Day" In which people get to go commando on computers with Sledge Hammers, Shovels, Bats, Rubber Chickens and more. Come out and beat the hell out of the Technology you don't understand for about 4 hits to the dollar, pending what you want to take out your anger with.

Random Thought of The Day:

What Would you do for a Klondike Bar..?

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Don't count on me... I never finish anything.. Never give a care do I, never can I do something wrong. I'm a bad person, yes, don'e leave anything to me. Why? Well lets see, everyone has off days, everyone gets sick, but when I fuck it up, I get it to where everyone gets pissed. I'm sorry i missed rehersal, I'm sorry i Fucked up. Gheez people give me a break here... I realize what I did was wrong, but when you can barely stand on the two legs god gave you without hunching over, as well as having a temp, I dont think you would be there after school too long Either. Yes i know Chelsea got Food posioning, and she still showed up, but i would rather be good for friday, then be screwed up until monday. There is nothing that i can do, to go back and change what I did. I'm sorry what i did was totally unprofessional, and I know i can't change that, but ask anyone i know, from anything I've done, I Never... EVER.... Back Down...

I know some people... who would have been there today... with the part i have... if they were on their deathbed.... Why is it, that I can't show the same dedication? I can show that to a girl i know, i could show that on the court... but when it comes to acting in Theatre, i couldn't do it... This is not like me... Not at all...

Random Thought of The Day:

Would It be possible, to molecularize a human being, and better yet, when you put them back together... would they be the same?

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

The World is Stupid, so I think i need to Appologize for a few things...

If you have ever tried Indian Coca-Cola... Im Sorry
If your French.... Im Really Sorry
If your name is Paul Welp.... Im Sorry
If you have to attend Public School.... Im Sorry

Monday, April 19, 2004

Throughout the Duration of the day i thought of a few things, and realized a few others... First off, after talking for 45 minutes straight in a stupid accent... your voice kinda... shall we say, deteriorates, and well... then your acting skills kinda go down hill from there. Along with this small, useful piece of information, I also realized that, School SUCKS, but... are only 6 weeks left so i need to suck it up. I MISS NICHOLE!! But... she gets back tonight *Dances* but, yea, moving on, the sky is falling, the grass is black, tomorrow is dooms day, dont forget your hat...

Random Thought of The Day:

Whos on Third. No Who's on Seconds, Whats on Third. No Whos on Third... (or something like that)

Sunday, April 18, 2004

YAY for running 4 Network cables in the attic... lets see now... 5 Failed Attempts to run each end of the cable... 3 near misses in falling through the ceiling, 2 drill batteries broken, and... lets see... oh yea... and i miss Nichole... ITs amazing how much you miss something, someone, that you know is beautiful, but its amazing how much MORE you miss them after you dont get to see them for a while. Moving on, Basketball banquet... nothing special, i came dressed like a slob, and you know what i dont care, as rodney Dangerfield would say "I dont get no respect." Memorizing lines sucks major when you have a sore throat, and... Dont smoke Crack... lol, alrighty then.

Random Thought of The Day:

Is It possible to stick your foot up someones... rear...??

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Ugh... nothing to do for me except get hurt even MORE.... wow.. long story, run cable in the attic, go shopping with the folks for tuxedos... and... Think about Nichole when i get bored. Fun, well the last one is anyway. I am only writing this blog beacuse im bored, and im thinking of nichole, and when i talked to her someone decided to throw rocks at my window... fun fun... Well anyways, im gonna hit the sack, and then go to church in the morning.

Random Thought of The Day:

Sharpes. Can you really get high off the fumes...?? Lets find out, Shall we...

Thursday, April 15, 2004

You know what, i had an alright day except for the fact I didnt get to see my girlfriend before she goes to florida for the weekend.... A week without seeing her... kinda sucks major arse.. But, such is life. Have fun babe, anyways, i dont really feel like typing so... here are some more of the reason some of you read this...

Random Thought(s) of The Day:

Forever and a day... is that even possible...?

Why is France even a country? I Thought to be deamed a country, you had to have won a war... *shrugs* huh, who knew.

How would it feel to eat glass...?

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Wow, waking up late, falling in the shower and thinking today was Thrusday... My Day Started Grand, and yours? HEh, For the people how care, which is probably no one ( :-P ), I Hurt myself again today, only, instead of my knee, and hip, lol i hurt my left ankle, my left wrist, and i got duncans arm clothes-lined in my face, nice busted lip... *Shrugs* no pain no gain. Well, I'm going to be bored all weekend, because certain important people are leaveing for Choir Trips *Stomps Foot* but hopefully i will get to see them before they leave. Anyways, moving back on the what a blog should be, don't you hate it when you realize, all the asian people at your school are either smarter then you... or they have such an insane work ethic that they may not be smarter then you, but they still get better grades... how do they do it...??

Random Thought of The Day:

Ok, we build a machine...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Well, I hope things are back to normal, but I'm sort of lost... *looks around* Meh. All i know is, dont want to lose somethings i have right now. Anyways, Go see Smith's one Act Tonight, I heard it was really good, i know ill be there. School bites the big nugget, the golden nugget... Uhh... I Got a New Phone... its pretty cool i can take pictures, and or waste pictures on random things i thought were cool... meh.. lol Random stuff is fun.

Random Thought of The Day:

What would happen if you put a person in a microwave... or better yet... a boat...

Monday, April 12, 2004

Am I a bad person?

Random Thought of The Day:

Why is it bad things always happen to nice people... ? (I love you Mom)

Sunday, April 11, 2004

My day has gone quite well. HAPPY EASTER Everyone. Nothing special to talk about, except for the slim to none chance that i might get to see Nichole today *Crosses Fingers*. Meh, Heh, im such a Sorry Sap, but Life Goes on.

Great Movie: "The Boondock Saints" WARNING This movie is not for the faint of heart, and is Very VERY Contriversial. But All in all, its a good movie.

Random Thought Of The Day:

If Butter Really Could Fly.... would it still be called a "butterfly"?

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Its People like her that make it hard for me to believe in anything.... Especially God. I Mean I believe, Dont get me wrong. But Ever time i think of her, it makes me questoin everything. The World is an ugly place. Chaos, Destruction, Disorder, Mayhem, People are ugly, and yet, why would there be some people who break that mold, who beg to defy all laws of everything. Beautiful in every way possible, defying all the believes of the modern world. She just makes me so inclined to NOT believe because of who She is.... What she is, theres just no describing it. I have my moments where i go into spaz mode, because, honestly, Yea, Im afraid to die. Who Wouldn't be if the only way you can see it in your head is that you see hear, feel everything for the duration of the 20 minutes it takes all of the oxygen to be removed from your brain. It makes it hard to sleep some nights, I know i shouldn't be worried about this stuff, i have my whole life in front of me. But you see, i say that today, but 16 Years ago feels like only yesterday, and im betting 44 years from now will feel like Just tomorrow... Which brings me to why i fear death. I dont fear death itself, i know i must come to is grasps somedays, but i fear mostly, being parted with the ones I love. "If Eternity were tomorrow, and The Beginning of Time was yesterday, I would want to live two days ago." All i know is, I believe in God, but... That lurking thought of an eternity of complete Black because someone closed my volnerable eyes so i would look good in a coffin.... Lingers at the back of my mind... Along with the thought that, although she may be long past mine when that day comes... if shes not... the thought of never being the next time i see her, due to the fact that i will no longer think.... scares me beyond compare.

Random Thought of The Day

How far into the ground would a penny travel if dropped from the top of the Sears Tower?

Friday, April 09, 2004

LAN Party + Nichole = Good Two Days: Havent posted in the past few days, i haven't had a chance. I never knew driving in a car with a girls father would be seen as such a great feat by the girls... *looks around* Uhh, did i miss something... Meh, all I know is, I rode in a car with a girls father, and I was "supposed to be scared"... *shrugs* Anyways 4 DAY WEEKEND! KICK ARSE!!

Random Thought of the Day:

What would it be like to be a Pirate...? (Argh!...)

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I MADE IT TO STATE!! History Fair that is, they Fucked up.... Wow, Thats no the Funny part, the History Teachers are ready to sue at a moments notice.... LOL It's history fair, not the end of the world... But yea, Today was alright, i slept for 2 hours after i got home from watching "Fawlty Towers"... (Kick Ass By the way) and oh it was awsome.

Random Thought of the Day:
How Do Batteries Work? (Inspired by Chemistry...)

Monday, April 05, 2004

I'm Really bored again today, as well as I'm having another day of bad luck. I lost my cell phone today, which really sucks major, I liked my cell phone, it had some numbers in it i wont be able to get back, and yet it also had some that i dont want back... Heh, but above all this means... Jon gets to buy himself a new one... YAY for spending money where you dont have any.... So much fun.

Someone must be praying for me, because the Algebra 2 Project Deadline had been extended to After the 4 DAY WEEKEND!!! (Thank you god) Now... All i need to do is complete the part i didnt do.... which is most of it... lol

Random Thought of the Day:

Why do they teach us what Stars are when they dont really know, for all they know every star is a freaking planet..... just something i thought was interesting....

Sunday, April 04, 2004

YEsterday ended alright, I still dont have the guts to say anything because BAH, I forgot the first time and now I remember, but I dont want to come off the wrong way... humm...

Counting My Blessings;

* Friends
* Family
* Life
* Luck
* Fortune
* Her :-D

I feel like shit, I hate myself right now....

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Why is it that every time I try and get somewhere with someone, Jimminy Crickett Comes along and makes me so reserved, and not myself around them? This is making me angry, because i have someone right now... whom i really dont want to lose, because not only is she everything a guy could ever ask for, but well, she is as close to perfect as anything on this known Earth. If someone knows a way to kill the Crickett and Make it so that his spawn of Satin doesn't come back and screw with my head, or anyone elses head for that matter, i would like to know. This is really irritating to know that something like this is going on in my head and there is nothing i know that i can do about it.
History Fair Sucked Major, I Realize that there is a slight difference between the way men and woman think, but my project was a prime example of this. Of the 5 Judges i had, 3 of whom were woman, all of the male judges comments read "Superior" For the best job that can be done. While the womans all read "good" or the worst i can be graded. Now i don't know if this is because I did war or what, but all I know is, Woman Teachers Blow... HArd... I should have Turned in Geoff's and Such.... I had a copy with me.... That would have been grand...

Friday, April 02, 2004

Oh Btw, I got the Lead in the Turner Spring Show, Fawlty Towers... COME SEE IT DURNIT!

Freaking History Fair Keeping me up.... Sucks Major...

Nichole Rocks MY Socks!
(Like a Fairy Tale)
-Yawn- I never knew April 2nd Could be such a Bitch. The day Started good, and there were a few things along the way that were Awsome, but the majority of the day was worse then an episode of seinfield. Its like forcing myself to watch Michael Jackson Music Videos Non-Stop for 24 hours straight, scary thought.

Well i got bored So there is a Second Post Today. Im seriously Debating Turning in Geoff, CJ, Sam, and Pauls History Fair project in the place of mine. The final thing that will make me do it is, Im pending the whole lecture i will get from the Teachers. I dont see anything wrong with it personally, and i thought it was quite amusing. But What the hell, might as well, if i get a chance to edit some parts of mine into theirs or vise versa... or turn in their whole one tomorrow at regionals... humm.... We will see